Thursday, December 24, 2009

I forgot I even had this thing...

It's Christmas eve. Holler to presents and $ tonight from relatives I see only once a year. (That day would be today) Its almost the end of 2009, and what a year it has been. Am I the only one to think that this year flew by so incredibly fast? I can hardly remember this time last year, probably had some stupid crush on some stupid boy and attended some parties with my best friend kasey. I can't remember the kind of person I was though, I know I've changed a lot. Music was pretty sick this year. Lady Gaga made the best pop record of 09' hands down. And Paramore brought their shit too. Man Overboard's new stuff was really refreshing. Set Your Goals never fails me. I'm anxiously awaiting the new I Am The Avalanche in 2010.. oh wait, that is my graduating year..

Am I really a senior? Is this really my last year of high school? I think i've been waiting for this day since the second i boarded the school bus for kindergarten. I got accepted to some cool schools, but I plan on attended the Art Institute of Philadelphia. I start college in July... uhhh.

Well anyway, Merry Chrismahanakwanzica to you all.

Lets become awesome people in 2010.

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